Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fisher's First Haircut

It wasn't that long ago...
Henry got HIS hair cut.

Now it is Little Fisher's turn...

As you can tell...he is pretty excited.

We are all about tradition. Our good friend Bob Phillips' Dad cut Ed and all our friends and family hair for all of our lives, and now it is my boys turn. Mr. Phillips cut Henry's hair, but, happily for Mr. Phillips he is semi-retired, but sadly for us, Fisher didn't get to have his hair cut by him, but it was equally exciting and Fisher got taken care of very well.

I think he is ready to go in.

Do you think it was time?

I think he thinks so.

Henry meets his barber.

The first cut.

Out came the clippers.

He was very interested in them. Not scared at all.

He really wanted to touch them. The barber {I'm going to find out his name and replace soon} was very patient and let him feel the vibrations.

Getting close to being done.

Handsome big boy! And the tradition continues...his first sucker.

We got a certificate and some locks of his hair as keepsakes.

And keeping with the last Gibson Brother traditional...falling asleep on the way home after the big event.

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