Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas 2007 pictures

Like them? What? Can't see them? Maybe that is because Mom "The Shutterbug" packed the camera battery charger and an extra battery to take to Madisonville but misplaced them and finally found them (in the side pocket of my car if I put them there on purpose so I could find them) January 2nd. It fizzled out right before we took the family photo and opened presents at my parents house on Christmas Eve. I have a few that I took before then and I am compiling some from my parents camera and Ed's, Yes Virginia, there will be Christmas photos ...just not this week. (To add insult to injury, I got a fabulous camera bag, 2 tripods and a lens filter....and didn't get to use them!!)

We had a fabulous holiday. So much family time, so many presents, so much food! It is so nice that Ed and I are from the same town and get to see all of our families and don't have to split the time between different towns in different years. We took an extended vacation and stayed until January 2nd to really enjoy some down time and just got back last night. Our living and dining room looks like Santa and all his reindeer have trampled through here leaving fabulous presents and various Christmas decorations along the way.

We loved our Christmas tree this year and only had a week to enjoy it before we left for if you pass our house we'll be the ones with the tree up for a few more days.

Hope your days were Merry and Bright and you had many Tidings of Comfort and Joy!

Incidentally, Henry is saying "Mom" in this photo...Have I mentioned that he has been saying Daddy forever and just recently started saying Mom...and I am drunk with happiness and the power to make him say it, and of course clap and cheer every time. The funniest thing is that he says everything with such glee and such upbeat intonation (daddy, doggie, heeeeee!!!)and "Mooooom" kind of sounds like he's imitating a foghorn...but it the sweetest foghorn I've ever heard!

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