Happy 3rd Birthday Henry Edward Gibson!
The theme of the party was of course...THREE!
Ommy, the master baker and creative cake artist made another masterpiece this year!
Everyone was in the spirit with their party hats.
The kid was just about as excited about getting wooden sushi than his dad is about the real stuff!
One of his favorite presents was a talking/singing card. He absolutely wore it out! Word must have gotten out because he received 2 more when we got home. (Gee thanks Otto, Janet for the chicken dance card...and Uncle Kenny for the card that goes on and on and on...we'll find a way to pay you back...seriously!) ;)
Aunt Kake wraps a mean present!
Hmmm....a book about Seabiscuit...think Henry likes this one?
I haven't mentioned that our birthday boy was just getting over a yucky stomach flu...you can catch glimpses of it in his face. Poor baby.
Ommy and Poppy gave Henry a cool walking, roaring dragon...look for him to make a sneaky appearance later...
Cute Cousin Keegan and Fisher cornering (maybe conquering?) the dragon.
Uncle Cav and Aunt Whit set him up with some stainless cookware...I think Dad is jealous in the background.
Fisher is wondering where his presents are. In just 2 1/2 short months it will be his first birthday!
Henry's very own superhero cape! He and Daddy love tying on "capes" and taking flying leaps onto the bed. I'm sure this cape will help him fly even farther!
Again, Fisher must taste test everything.
The party favors had to fit the theme...the contents had to be round, red, or silly!
And silliness there was...
Daddy got "Scooter" a scooter.
Aunt Kate took most of these pictures...didn't she do a great job?
Cake time!!
Sneaky dragon trying to get in on some cake.
Is this the baby equivalent of a lampshade on the head?
This is DEFINITELY the equivalent of a lampshade on the head! Sure sign of a successful party!
Then to top the party off...hail and tornado warnings! We went out with a bang!
Happy birthday to my big boy! We love you so much.